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Physical Education (PE)




Landulph Primary School recognises the value of PE and is committed to providing the best sporting provision possible. We fully adhere to the aims of the national curriculum for physical education to ensure that all children:

  • develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
  • are physically active for sustained periods of time
  • engage in competitive sports and activities
  • lead healthy, active lives

Our aim is to improve and increase the quality and quantity of PE & physical activity for all children, to show how PE & physical activity can enhance children's attainment and achievement and to create pathways for them to continue to be active beyond school. We recognise the broad range of skills that contribute to all facets of physical activity and endeavour to provide opportunities for all children to experience a variety of games and activities that cater to these diverse skill sets.


PE is taught at Landulph Primary School as an area of learning in its own right as well as integrated, where possible, with other curriculum areas. We teach PE lessons so that children:

  • Have fun and experience success in sport
  • Have the opportunity to participate in PE at their own level of development
  • Secure and build on a range of skills
  • Develop good sporting attitudes
  • Understand basic rules
  • Experience positive competition
  • Learn in a safe environment
  • Have a foundation for lifelong physical activity, leaving primary school as a physically active individual.

We aim to ensure that the profile of PE, sport & physical activity is high through-out the school and children are eager to engage with active sessions across the curriculum. We strive towards improving delivery of the teaching & learning of PE to promote participation, progress and performance. With this high-quality PE and school sport provision, we aim to continue to embed young people with the skills, understanding, desire and commitment to continue to improve and achieve in a range of PE, sport and health-enhancing physical activities.

Our PE curriculum aims to ensure that all children develop the fundamental skills and competence to excel in a wide range of physical activities by providing a broad & balanced curriculum with opportunities for all to be enjoyed. The school’s PE curriculum has been outlined to ensure that children have access to a wide range of activities and that although the specific sports vary from year to year, many of the skills, knowledge and tactics are transferable. Pupils participate in two high quality PE lessons each week, covering two sporting disciplines every half term. In addition, children are encouraged to participate in the varied range of extra-curricular activities. These activities change on a half-termly basis.

Each year-group has several opportunities for additional high-quality coaching from Go-Active who teach a number of PE units throughout the year and help to develop children’s skills and enjoyment across the spectrum of abilities.

Our PE curriculum is inclusive and ensures that children of all abilities can access the range of activities we offer. We ensure children are physically active for sustained periods of time to encourage them to lead healthy, active lives.

Children are invited to attend competitive sporting events within the local area. This is an inclusive approach which endeavours to encourage not only physical development but also mental well-being. These events also develop teamwork and leadership skills and are very much enjoyed by the children.

Children in Years 2-5 complete intensive swimming weeks in which they learn about life saving skills, dangers of the open sea as well as improve different swimming techniques.

Each year a small group of Year 5 and 6 children are invited to become Sports Leaders for the school. They develop into sporting role models for the younger children, assisting with playground activities, our annual Sports day and any other Sporting events.

PE in the Early Years

 In EYFS, PE is a high priority and is encouraged using both the indoor and outdoor provision. Specific areas and resources have been developed for children to learn and practise specific skills including balancing, climbing, jumping, throwing and catching, kicking and moving in a range of ways. Additional opportunities for short bursts of movement are built in throughout the day.

They also access two one-hour discrete PE lessons each week which focus on developing a particular skill using a varied range of equipment including parachutes, benches, balls, mats and climbing apparatus. Emphasis is put on creating fun and enjoyable sessions for the children which aim to inspire a love of sport and physical activity.

In addition, we provide a range of extra-curricular sports and skills clubs and we are developing and sustaining links to outside agencies and clubs which will help to generate positive interaction in the community.


PE is taught as a basis for lifelong learning, where the children have access to a wide range of activities in the belief that, if taught well and the children are allowed to succeed, then they will continue to have a physically active life. A high-quality PE curriculum inspires all children to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities. At Landulph, we provide opportunities for children to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.  

Our school recognises the impact that the provision of a high-quality PE and school sport curriculum has on the whole school and that it can lead to whole school improvements. Developing pupil’s personal qualities through PE can affect their attitudes towards school land learning. When PE and school sport provision is of the highest quality, all pupils will, to the best of their abilities, develop and demonstrate the following personal qualities: 

  • A strong desire to learn & make progress. 
  • High levels of dedication, attendance and involvement in PE and school sport. 
  • High levels of commitment to PE and school sport. 
  • High levels of positive behaviour such as politeness, fair play and helpfulness. 
  • High levels of enjoyment and enthusiasm and a strong desire to get involved. 

The Curriculum Leader for PE is: David Finnimore 

Physical Education Progression of Skills