The policies identified under the School Policies link below are a selection of the many policies held in school. If you require a copy of a specific policy not named below, please contact the school office.
Current general, overarching SMART policies are available via the SMART Policies link or from the SMART website.
If you would like a hard copy of any of our documents, please email landulphsecretary@landulphcloud.net. In the event that a large number of requests or a large volume of copies are requested, we reserve the right to make a nominal charge for any copies printed.
If you require any of our documents in an alternative format to make them more accessible, please let us know, and we will do our best to assist. Please refer to our website accessibility statement at https://www.landulph.net/accessibility-statement/. For further help or assistance, please call 01752 845572 or email landulphsecretary@landulphcloud.net