Class 3 - Solving a dragon-napping!

A terrible crime was committed at Landulph yesterday, where Class 3's beloved Edgar was dragon-napped whilst enjoying his holidays. Every member of staff was a suspect in the investigation and the children were all devastated with the tragic news.
Luckily, Class 3 were learning all about CSI techniques that day so were able to use the evidence left at the scene of the crime to swiftly solve the mystery and identify the culprit.
Using their knowledge of how to compare hair samples using a microscope; assessing and measuring boot prints and collecting/comparing fingerprints, the children all came to the conclusion that Mrs Plumb had stolen Edgar for her own cuddles and set upon bringing him back home.
I am now glad to report that Edgar is back where he belongs, safe and sound, all thanks to the scientific investigations of the children - well done Class 3!
*DISCLAIMER* No dragons were harmed in the creation of this crime scene investigation.